1. Back when I lived in Louisiana, I witnessed many actions related to implicit

1. Back when I lived in Louisiana, I witnessed many actions related to implicit

1. Back when I lived in Louisiana, I witnessed many actions related to implicit bias just through working in the restaurant industry. Honestly, I myself as well as other waiters and waitresses were guilty of having an automatic negative assumption towards certain parties of all different types, wether it be because of their race, age, or sex. I have also even seen waiters and waitresses have negative assumptions to parties of the same races as their own. I also used to know of a manager that two of my friends worked for that specifically only hired white people to work for him. 
The only time that I can think of where I was subject to implicit bias was in the 6th grade when I had a teacher that made assumptions about me because of my older sister the previous year. I did face harsh treatment from this teacher as well as being passed up during any kind of nice introductions before class starting. I’m not sure if that is exactly considered implicit bias, but it’s all I could think of.
Some strategies that I believe would be helpful when it comes to dealing with your own or someone else’s implicit bias would be to first identify and understand your own implicit bias. Another strategy could be to put yourself in the persons shoes who is being negatively targeted or the person who may be targeting you. This could help you to try and understand where these behaviors are coming from.
2. As a person of color I have both been faced with and witnessed implicit bias. I believe for folks of color ever single person of color of age has faced some form of it. Implicit bias is a form of bias that unintentionally affects peoples judgement’s, decisions and behaviors. Stereotypes from loved ones sticks in our heads growing up and even if you have the ability to see things in a different light as you get older you still subconscious move different around you which is the reason why sometimes I even have to check myself. I work 2 jobs and at my main job I work as a receiver for a supermarket  long story short my job is tho check in vendor items but on Sundays I pack out bread. this older white man had to be in his late 70s walked down the bread aisle I was working at screaming wheres the ni@#er bread. Me being the person I am thought he was referring to pumpernickel bread because the bread is dark brown Jim not offended at this point because the part of Staten island I work in use to be very racist but has become a mixed neighborhood but I digress. I felt some type of way when the man asked for $0.99 bread I didn’t get offended by the use of the N word but got offended from the implication that Negroes like the cheap stuff. My boss I believe was more offended then I was in that situation and threw the customer out of the store me being faced with a person shouting such a horrible statement still tried to help.  

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