1. Identify the main problem and subproblems of the case? [Mark 2] 2. Identify

1. Identify the main problem and subproblems of the case? [Mark 2]
2. Identify

1. Identify the main problem and subproblems of the case? [Mark 2]
2. Identify the causes of problem based on the following techniques?[Marks 3]
A. Cause of the problem- 5 Why Technique
a. Why-1
b. Why-2
c. Why-3
d. Why-4
e. Why-5
B. Develop a Cause-and-Effect Diagram
3. Develop a mind map for decision making, [2 Marks]
4. Write all the alternative choices of your decision. [Mark 1]
5. Make a decision and write the conclusion.[Marks 2]

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