1. Introduction a. Overview of Research Topic: Examination of the history, cult

1. Introduction
a. Overview of Research Topic: Examination of the history, cult

1. Introduction
a. Overview of Research Topic: Examination of the history, culture, and experiences of Queer Indigenous People in the Andes region of South America.
2. Body
a. Pre-Colonial History:
i. Exploration of indigenous gender and sexuality constructs, including the roles and perceptions of third-gender subjects within Andean culture.
ii. Analysis of the cultural practices, rituals, and art that involved queer identities in indigenous societies, based on historical and anthropological texts.
b. Colonial History:
i. Impact of colonial rule on queer indigenous communities, focusing on changes in legal status, societal roles, and cultural erasure.
ii. Examination of colonial narratives and their effect on the representation and treatment of queer identities in the Andes, as seen in colonial historiography and accounts.
c. Post-Colonial History:
i. The evolution of queer indigenous identities in the contemporary context, including legal reforms and social movements.
ii. Modern interpretations and reclaiming of queer indigenous identities, as reflected in recent scholarly works and cultural studies.
d. Laws and Violence:
i. Detailed look at the legal frameworks that affected these communities historically, including laws related to gender and sexuality.
ii. Instances of violence, discrimination, and resistance faced by queer indigenous communities, as documented in historical and modern sources.
e. Cultural Significance of Queer Identity:
i. Exploration of the meanings and cultural significance of queer identity within Indigenous communities, from their unique perspectives.
ii. Analysis of contemporary expressions of queer indigenous identities, including performances, rituals, and social practices.
iii. Investigating current challenges faced by queer indigenous communities, including issues of visibility, social acceptance, and political representation.
iv. Perspectives and voices of queer indigenous individuals, highlighting personal stories and community narratives.
3. Conclusion
Reference List:
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Babb, Florence E. “Gender and Sexuality in the Andes.” Routledge eBooks, 2018, pp. 403–17. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315621715-27.
contemporaryand. “LGBTQ+ Liberation in the Andes Through Q’iwa and Popular Celebrations.” C& AMÉRICA LATINA, 17 Aug. 2023, amlatina.contemporaryand.com/editorial/lgbtq-liberation-in-the-andes-through-qiwa-and-popular-celebrations.
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Wilson-Sanchez, Maya. “Performing Reparative History in the Andes: Travesti Methods and Ch’ixi Subjectivities.” Journal of Visual Culture, vol. 21, no. 1, Apr. 2022, pp. 206–32. https://doi.org/10.1177/14704129221096177.
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