1.Please do not consult any sources or resources other than the assigned reading
1.Please do not consult any sources or resources other than the assigned readings from Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche in Gordon Marino’s Basic Writings of Existentialism. Any paper that quotes from a source other than the assigned texts will receive a significant grade penalty; any paper which can be shown to be reliant upon a source other than those texts without quotation or proper citation, will receive a failing grade and its author will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary procedures.
2. Please note: “a source other than those texts” includes anything not written by Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, or Nietzsche in any copy, edition, or translation of their writings, such as editor’s and translator’s introductions, forewords, afterwords, epilogues, and notes (including editorial commentary in our textbook), as well as any secondary sources or explanatory materials found online or in print, and general reference works like study guides, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.
3. Quotations should be set off from the rest of the paper (typically by quotation marks), and you must cite the page numbers in the relevant text where the quoted passage appears
4. e sure to address yourself not only to an answer to the question, but also to providing your reader with an account of
why you believe your answer to be correct. What are your reasons for understanding Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and
Nietzsche in the ways you do? In order to justify the claims in your paper to your reader, you must offer substantiation
for your claims with quotations from the texts. Quotations are absolutely required. Papers that do not use direct
quotations from our textbook to support the claims they make will receive a failing grade; papers that quote only
from one or two of the three authors we’ve read will not receive a grade higher than C.