1. What was the “Big Strike?” What happened during some of the major events of t
1. What was the “Big Strike?” What happened during some of the major events of the strike, including “Bloody Thursday” in San Francisco? (pp. 127-130; 132-133)
2. Why did the events in San Pedro (the Port of Los Angeles) especially demonstrate the steadfastness of the strikers? What were the strikers up against in that city? (pp. 130-132).
3. Why were there racial divisions between white and black workers in San Francisco and other west coast ports? How did white strike leaders and black workers begin to address those divisions? (pp. 133-134)?
4. How did the MWIU (a Communist Party union) force the ISU and SUP (AFL unions) to take a more active role in the strike? (pp. 134-136).
5. Why did the course of the San Francisco general strike (an event within the Big Strike) actually threaten the accomplishments of the Big Strike? (pp. 146-150).