1Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medication in Children Draft Heather RobinsonColangelo C
1Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medication in Children Draft Heather RobinsonColangelo College of Business, Grand Canyon UniversityENG -105: Composition IWilliam LehmanNovember 15th, 2023
2Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medication in Children Draft Prescriptions are paper or electronic submission sent to a pharmacy for a medication that provides an authority by a licensed medical healthcare provider to prescribe specific medications including controlled substances. Medications today are prescribed with the intention to help people in a variety of ways. But, as noted on the bottles and information provided at the time of pickup of these prescriptions also come with warning labels that present a list of side effects that can cause people more harm than good. When a doctor prescribed a medication for a disorder, it was normal to take the medication as it was prescribed without questions. The way people react to different medication can vary from one person to the next. There is no telling what the outcome could be for a child who is taking a new medication. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders of children at a young age (Lakhan 2012). The reality is that there are hidden dangers to medication that is being administered to our children that can cause side effects, addiction, and other abuse of the substance or lead to other disorders.Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder described as inattention and hyperactivity and impulsively which 5% of children worldwide are affected by (Bryant 2023). This disorder is often diagnosed in childhood and will last through the adulthood (Mayo Clinic 2023). Signs and symptoms of ADHD are common in children thus making it extremely important that children are diagnosed properly. There are major questions and concerns regarding the benefits and risks of ADHD medication. Brown University (2022) questions the safety of these medications, and even criticizes the notion that ADHD can be reliably diagnosed in children at the preschool age. Some of the other side effects of ADHD medications are known to cause the loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, irritability, moodiness,
3headaches, stomachaches, jitteriness, fast heart rate, and high blood pressure. The shocking common side effect for medications licensed to treat ADHD in children and adolescents is anxiety and depression (Bryant 2023). The signs and symptoms of ADHD in children can include daydreaming a lot, forgetting things, squirm or fidgeting, talking too much, taking unnecessary risks, hard time resisting temptation, and even difficulty getting along with others (Mayo Clinic 2023). These behaviors could be typical for a child and can lead to being diagnosed incorrectly if the correct research is not completed. There are a variety of medications used to treat ADHD in children. Methylphenidate (MPH) is one of the most used medical therapeutic options in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). (İsmail 2018). MPH works as an amphetamine-type central nervous system stimulant. It is shown to increase intrasynaptic concentrations of noradrenalin and dopamine in the central nervous system noted as the same feels as the drug cocaine (İsmail 2018). Children are taking the prescribed medications and open to the dangers of becoming addicted to the euphoric happy feeling they are getting. Since the medications vary from patient to patient, it has been reported they can wear off faster than expected. In case a specific case study of a 14-year-old boy it was found that he was abusing the medication and taking more than prescribed without his parents knowing. Once the doctors attempt to change the child’s medication he refused and wanted to continue take the amphetamine type of medication (İsmail 2018). The dangers of addiction to ADHD medications can outweigh the benefits if not used properly by a child as they are not old enough to understand what ADHD is let along administer the medication themselves. There are a variety of prescription medications used for the treatment of ADHD. Stimulants are medications that are mostly prescribed to be taken by patients to treat attention
4deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Drugs like methylphenidate (Ritalin), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and dextroamphetamine‐amphetamine (Adderall) are being prescribed to help children feel more focused who have ADHD (Lakhan 2012). The dangers of the medication can lead ultimately to the abuse of the medication at time when it is not being used to treat ADHD. The misuse of stimulants by patients with ADHD and people who do not have this disorder have shockingly increased in the recent years based on the or misconceptions or lack of knowledge of associated risks of these medications. Lakhan (2012) completed studies on the recent use and increasing abuse and misuse of stimulants being prescribed among high school and college students and athletes. The side effects, addictions, and misuse of the prescribed medication caused by ADHD can be harmful to a child. It is very important that children who are suspected to have ADHD get the proper diagnosis and treatment. Based on the side effects of the medication being prescribed and how it can vary from child to child this should be a last resort option. Children must be monitored, and medications be put away or even locked up to ensure the medication is not overused. It is especially important that medication not be provided to children or adults who do not have an ADHD disorder as the effects of the medication overtime can develop in addiction at any age. If the proper handling and use of the medication is followed while administering to a child there could be improvement made to the child’s behavior however, looking into the dangers of the medication it should always be the last resort of treatment.