2 Discussion responses


19. Vasectomy vs Tubal ligation: Break down the anatomical changes and risks


A vasectomy is a male contraception that consists of surgical removal of a portion of the vas deferens (Saladin, 2024, p. 224). The vas deferens are located at the end of the epididymis and travel through many areas until reaching a terminal ampulla. A vasectomy is typically completed with local anesthetics. Vasectomy has the lowest risk of unwanted pregnancy at 0.03 – 0.05% (Blocker, 2022). Recovery time for a vasectomy depends on the activity. Normal daily activity may be resumed on the same day. More strenuous activities such as sexual activity and exercising are limited to one week. There are no changes in risks for prostate cancer. A vasectomy is considered reversible with minimal risk.

A tubal ligation is a female contraception that consists of surgical removal of a portion of the fallopian tubes (Saladin, 2024, p. 235). The fallopian tubes are located at each ovary and connect to the uterus. Tubal ligation is typically completed under general anesthesia. Tubal ligation may be completed during a cesarian section or laparoscopically. Depending on the procedure, recovery is two to six weeks. Tubal ligation may be reversed, but only 50 – 80 percent of women who have their fallopian tubes reattached may become pregnant (Blocker, 2022). The most common complication with tubal ligation is in conjunction with endometrial ablation called post-ablation tubal sterilization syndrome (PATSS). PATSS can develop after tubal litigation and endometrial ablations and cause cycling pelvic pain from menstrual blood becoming trapped in the fallopian tubes or uterus due to scar tissue. On top of sterilization, depending on the type of tubal ligation (partial vs complete salpingectomy), women can expect the risk of ovarian cancer to decrease by up to 50% (2022).


I believe both options are viable options for permanent contraception for males and females. My husband was the result of a failed vasectomy. While failures are very minimal, they are possible. For this reason, my husband and I elected to both have surgical sterilization. While recovery time for males is typically at most seven days, we experienced a recovery period of approximately two weeks. For tubal ligation, we experienced a recovery period of approximately seven days. Quite the opposite of what is reported by many individuals. After experiencing both procedures, I believe they both are viable options for any family but recovery time and life alterations are important factors for each./



No. 9: I’m stressed! How the body adapts to stress through its endocrine and sympathetic nervous systems.


Stress a common feeling experienced by many. Do we know where this comes from? When going through stress our sympathetic nervous system is activated which then releases a hormone named epinephrine from our adrenal glands. When this occurs, our bodies undergo physical changes such as increased blood pressure and sugar levels, influx in heart rate, tension of the muscles, headaches, and a burst of energy that can be a form of paranoia. There are different levels to stress an individual can experience; either mild or chronic. Yet, the more stress dealt with the higher health risks are. Some long-term health issues related from stress are depression, anxiety, insomnia, weight imbalance, memory loss, heart disease, stroke and or heart attack. Its also shown the way stress is dealt with can be genetic, the way your parents and others around handle stressors or conflict can be passed down. Environment is also a great indicator on understanding how adaptable someone will be in those tough situations. Weve heard the saying Fight or Flight mode; this is the bodys reaction to stress, which takes a negative toll on the body.


Stress is unfortunately something we many times cant control due to unforeseen events or encounters dealt with. Trying to figure out how to balance mental and physical health during stressful times is very hard but necessary. Stress may seem minuet but can become serious when dealing with it consistently. When it comes to dealing with stress, there are ways to do so. Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, having healthy relationships, exercising, therapy and even finding a hobby. These things can help free your mind from current stressors. However, not all stress is harmful, with the bad there is also good in relation to stress. Encouraging, and stimulating stressors do exist. Currently, with my education, I am stressing. I want to finish getting my degree and start my career. This is something I stress about every day because its going to be a new beginning for the lifestyle I want to live.

REQUIREMENTS: Apply the material in an original way on 2 different topics (not your own) MUST INCLUDE REFERENCES. THERE ARE 2 SEPARATE TOPICS

Use Critical thinking to make everyday connections.

  • Consider starting out posts with, A research article I found said,” “Did you know,” or “Three things I found interesting were… .”
  • Examples: Apply everyday phenomena in terms of the scientific concepts in your research section. Make observations and draw conclusions.
  • Tips and Tricks for Remembering and Recalling. Is there a mnemonic device that might help you memorize this information or what helps you understand this?
  • Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?
  • Do not repeat others ideas and ensure that you are advancing the discussion with new information.
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