4. Please discuss the steps that make-up conventional wastewater treatment in th
4. Please discuss the steps that make-up conventional wastewater treatment in the United States. For
example, what treatment steps does wastewater take at a Los Angeles or City of San Francisco
wastewater treatment plant? Make sure you answer the following:
A). What are the key treatment steps/processes?
B). What happens to the solid material left over at the end of the treatment process?
C). What are some possible uses of the treated wastewater?
D). Why is the public always told to only put the “Three Ps” in the toilet (poop, pee, and (toilet)
E). Where are aerobic bacteria used and where are anaerobic bacteria used in the treatment
Note: Your answer should be approximately a page and cite any and all sources that you use
that are not from this course. (25 points)
2. Week 8 we discussed 3 main sources of imported water that Los Angeles relies on to serve its
residents. Please choose one of these sources of water and discuss the following:
A. Which source of imported water did you select and during what years was the facility
B. What are some issues that this source of water created….any positive/negative outcomes
from constructing the facility? Anything that reduces the amount of water than can be delivered?
C. If you were put in charge of your chosen facility, what would you do to secure future water
deliveries from this source of water? In other words, what would you do to help ensure that future
deliveries would not be threatened by droughts or any other possible events?
D. Choose one thing you would do as Mayor of Los Angeles to reduce the amount of water
Angelinos use at home – your one thing should be what you think would make the biggest impact in
terms of reducing the amount of water the City has to deliver to single family homes (do not worry
about apartments/condos/townhomes).
Note: Your answer should be approximately a page and cite any and all sources that you use
that are not from this course. (25 points)
The attachment titled week 8 is for this question as well
Overall note: Your grade will be based on the quality of your responses not necessarily the length of your
responses. Of course grammar, spelling, etc. will also affect your grade but the amount of points
deducted will be directly related to how much the errors affect my ability to understand your response. I
only list the 1-page length as a guideline because students always ask me what is the limit on how long
their responses should be – I have seen perfect scores on questions that were concise and well organized
(around a page) and very low scores on lengthy responses that rambled on and did not include any
SPECIFICS. Also, I expect the majority of your content to come from the information presented in this
class. The whole point of the assignments is for you to prove to me you that you have been reading all
the course materials. Please do not do Web Searches to answer your questions – it will be quite obvious
to me that you have not paid attention all semester long and are just trying to wing it. The only reason I
even allow you to include SOME outside information is for you to SUPPLEMENT your answers if you feel
the need. Please stick to the information presented in class (e.g., lectures, book, articles, videos) and
only sway outside of class material to enhance your response (that is based on course material) if you
absolutely feel the need.