About “Career Opportunities” is a Discussion assessment that encourage students

“Career Opportunities” is a Discussion assessment that encourage students

“Career Opportunities” is a Discussion assessment that encourage students to identify and discuss a career opportunity.
Estimated Time
An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity.
Now, you may be firmly settled on a career, like becoming a teacher, engineer, social worker, business manager, lawyer, doctor, or scientist.
But, like almost all students, you are actively considering options.
Exploring career opportunities is part of your college experience. And there are multitude of career opportunities related to each chapter.
Step 1: Post
Your Post should include the following elements:
Identify a career opportunity related to the chapter (or any chapter of the book).
Go to O*NET OnlineLinks to an external site., conduct a search for the occupation, and include a link to the most closely related occupation in your post.
Describe what interests you about the occupation.
Step 2: Reply to a Peer
Your reply to a peer should include the following elements:
validate your peers’ selection of an occupation.
O*NET OnlineLinks to an external site. link to the occupation your peer includes, identify a “Technology Skill” that is interesting to you and explain why.
On the same O*NET OnlineLinks to an external site. link to the occupation your peer included, identify a “Work Value” that is interesting to you and explain why.
Step 3: Check your Reply
Be sure your Reply to a Peer clearly states the Technology Skill that is interesting to you and why.
Be sure your Reply to a Peer clearly states the Work Value that is interesting to you and why.
Step 4: Double Check that you Replied
Sometimes we post earlier in the week, and then forget to reply. It happens. Be sure not to forget and double check that you replied!
Visit Canvas Tutorial for Assignments OverviewLinks to an external site. for an explanation of Assignments in Canvas.
Visit Canvas Tutorial for Assignment SubmissionsLinks to an external site. for an explanation of how to complete an Assignment Submission in Canvas.
Rubrics are “a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests”. Every assessment in the course has a rubric. A table of this assessment’s rubric is provided below for students. However, this table is not accessible for some screen readers.
For students using a screen reader, an accessible version of the rubric table can be accessed by scrolling down further or clicking on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the assessment and selecting “Show Rubric”.
If you need additional help, visit How do I view the rubric for my assignment?Links to an external site.

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