Access the links below. discusses related concepts to the Habi
Access the links below. discusses related concepts to the Habit of Seek First to Understand and Then to Be Understood.
Review the sections on the following:
– Empathy:
– Transactional Analysis:
– Johari Window:
How are these similar and different in the approach described in the Seven Habits book (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)?
Share an example(s) that you have witnessed in the workplace, at school, and or at home of at least one of these approaches.
– Submit in no less than 250 words, not including the question itself and your sources.
– Provide at least one source using Modern Language Association (MLA) to support and defend your response.
– Use both in-text and at the end of the post citations.
– No more than 25 percent of the content should be cited sources and quotations.