Physician Assisted Suicide is now lega
Physician Assisted Suicide is now legal in some jurisdictions? What are the ethical issues that may arise in this type of Euthanasia?
A patient asks for assistance in ending her pain and suffering? What are the legal and ethical implications for Registered Nurses if they passively or actively intervene in the death process?
A family member asks the Hospice Nurse if they place a loved one in hospice care if they practice active euthanasia. She states that a friend has told her that hospice care promotes death within 3 days. How would you educate this individual on end of life care options?
Why are Hospice and Palliative care reimbursed at a rate of 100% by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid?
Define Moral Distress in Healthcare and how it may impact your practice.
How important is the personal responsibility of elders for the moral nature of their lives and relationships? As a nurse, how can you affect an elder’s personal responsibility?
A decision to not attempt to resuscitate an unconscious, frail, elderly person in an emergency room, for example, should not be made based solely on chronological age. What factors must be considered in such a decision?
Cohen (1988) said that elders often focus all of their energy toward avoiding “the ultimate defeat, which is not death but institutionalization and which is regarded as a living death.” How can nurses help to change the view that residence in a long-term care facility is a “living death”?
Do you believe that nurses who work in long-term care facilities are stigmatized in any way? If so, what do you believe is the underlying cause of this stigmatization?