As we further progress within the world of ethics in health care, our next shift

As we further progress within the world of ethics in health care, our next shift

As we further progress within the world of ethics in health care, our next shift is now centered on a topic that is somewhat controversial. Several of you have had some very interesting and meaningful discussion postings on the topic of “Death, Dying, and Euthanasia”. In chapter 6 of Well and Good, Thomas dives deeply on this topic as he takes his readers into such a delicate a controversial issue.
For purposes of this assignment…
1. Read Thomas, John, Waluchow, Wilfrid, and Gedge, Elisabeth. (2014) Well and Good:
A Case Study Approach to Health Care Ethics, 4th Edition, Toronto, ON:
Broadview Press (Chapter 6) – Death, Dying, and Euthanasia
2. Out of the 5 case studies, choose one of your interest that you would like to write about
3. Write a 3-5 page paper on your case study in the APA format (don’t forget to add your references at the end of your paper). My evaluation of your paper will be each page being double-spaced and contain 250 words on each page. Place yourself in your case study and provide interpretation and clarity in your case discussion questions (Start by writing out what Thomas is describing within the text. I would like to read about how you interpret “what” he is telling us in his chapter and how you can add any ethical principals that you learned from Edge).

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