Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:
Structured Report (
Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:
Structured Report (40%) 2,000 Words (+/- 10%)
You are required to submit a written report of approximately 2,000 words on the care of a client with a sensory
deprivation Or a behaviour that challenges.
1. Summarise the five main concepts of ‘The Model of Living’, according to Roper, Logan & Tierney (1980) (3
2. Outline your understanding of the stages of the Nursing Process Framework (5 marks)
3. Introduce and define the sensory deprivation condition or behaviour that challenges that you have chosen
and its effects on Activities of Daily Living (4 marks)
4. Determine the level of assistance required by a client with a sensory deprivation Or Behaviour that
challenges in carrying out their Activities of Daily Living (5 marks)
5. Demonstrate knowledge of a range of factors that influence an individual’s ability to carry out Activities of
Daily Living (5 marks)
6. Discuss how you would maintain a safe environment for a client with sensory deprivation or Behaviour that
challenges (5 marks)
7. Discuss the importance of effective communication with the client, keeping in mind their current medical
condition. Also discuss the importance of clear communication with the Multidisciplinary Team (6 marks)
8. Outline your key learning’s in carrying out this report. (4 marks)
Marks will also be allocated for the following: –
− Demonstrate evidence of critical thinking, additional research and correct referencing (2 marks)
− Formatting of project and overall layout (1 marks)