Assignment Directions
1. Video Assessment
Eddie Velasquez is a homicide detecti
Assignment Directions
1. Video Assessment
Eddie Velasquez is a homicide detective and Bertha Hurtado is a forensic crime scene technician-both work for the Davie Police Department in Florida. They are actively involved in their careers and passionate about what they do. Recently they developed the Davie PD Cold Case Unit. If you are interested ( to an external site..) They have spoke to my in-person classes before and students really enjoyed listening to what they had to say about the nature of their work and job experience.
Watch the interviews and discussion by Detective Eddie Velasquez and Bertha Hurtado (links below). Considering the videos collectively, compare and contrast the differences that you have observed between the two interviewees with regards to the following points: etiquette , body language, content, and anything else you find important and/or interesting and/or it appeals to you. Watch the videos in the order given below. You can find the videos here:
CSI Interview
Detective Interview
CSI + Detective Discussion
2. Self Assessment
A. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being not nervous at all and 10 being extremely nervous, how nervous are you when it comes to being interviewed for a job? Explain the reason for your rating.
B. If you answered with a 5 or above, discuss one technique or strategy that might help you decrease your nervousness. If you answered with a 4 or below, what advice would you offer to someone who is highly nervous about being professionally interviewed?
Assignment Requirements: NO cover page or reference page needed, Your entire assignment (both part 1 and 2 combined) should be approximately 1.5 to 2 double spaced pages in Times New Roman 12 point font.