ASSIGNMENT OUTLINE 1st Paragraph—Topic Introduction Specifically, what is the c

1st Paragraph—Topic Introduction
Specifically, what is the c

1st Paragraph—Topic Introduction
Specifically, what is the controversy? When did this controversy begin? Can it be traced to a particular event or time period?
If the controversy has existed for quite some time, how has it changed? If the controversy is newer, are people aware of it? Who has stake in this controversy? (ie: Who, specifically, is involved? Who cares about this issue?)
IF THE DIFFERENTIATION IS RELEVANT TO YOUR DISCUSSION: Is this a local issue? A national issue? A world issue? If this is a national issue, how does it differ across the country? Is the problem exactly the same everywhere or are there local differences?
Use at least one article/source in this paragraph to support the existence of the problem (see the color-coded outline and student example posted in the Canvas modules)
At the end of the first paragraph, present your research question
2nd Paragraph—Topic Scope
Discuss three of the major viewpoints concerning the topic you have chosen.
ie: How would at least 3 different groups of people answer your research question? What are people arguing about?
For each viewpoint, you must PARAPHRASE from one source with evidence that the viewpoint exists (3 sources total in this paragraph)–see student example posted in this module
Even though the third point of view will be your position, the discussion in this paragraph must remain objective–your readers should not know where you stand
3rd Paragraph—Introduce YOUR Argument
Transition from the overview of the topic, the problem (1st paragraph), and what people are arguing about (2nd paragraph) into your argument
At the end of the third paragraph, present your ARGUABLE thesis statement
These three paragraphs will eventually be included as introductory paragraphs in your Final Semester Research Paper.
You will need to cite from at least 4 different sources/articles for this Research Proposal assignment (at least one source in paragraph #1 and one for each point of view in paragraph #2)
Your paper must follow documentation guidelines from the MLA Handbook, 9th edition (correct heading, running head, in-text citations, spacing, Works Cited page, 12-point Times New Roman font, etc.)
For the Works Cited page, you must include the live link to each article you have accessed through Google. If you do not include live links to the articles you accessed from the internet and cited in this paper and/or you do not include a Works Cited page at all, you will receive a ZERO on the assignment.
You do not need to include links for articles you accessed through the MasterFile Premier database; however, when the article is searched, the PDF of the article must be available on the database.
The grade for the Research Proposal assignment will be calculated as follows:
MLA Formatting—10%
Content of Paragraph #1—15%
Content of Paragraph #2—30%
Content of Paragraph #3—15%
Arguable Thesis Statement—20%
Grammar/Mechanics/Sentence Structure—10%
This assignment comprises 10% of your ENC 1101 semester grade.
The final draft of the Research Proposal assignment is due through the appropriate dropbox in Canvas and therefore will not be accepted as an email or comment attachment.
An assignment generated by Artificial Intelligence (ie: Chat GPT, Grammarly, or any other AI text generator) WILL RECEIVE A ZERO, and CANNOT BE RE-SUBMITTED
Research Proposal Assignment
Research Proposal Assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA Formatting
10 pts
Perfect Formatting
All formatting requirements for the assignment are perfectly met without any errors.
9 pts
Formatting is Almost Perfect
MLA formatting is virtually perfect with only one or two small errors
7.5 pts
There is a definite attempt to follow the MLA formatting requirements for the assignment; however there are several errors in the format
6.5 pts
Below Average
There is at least an attempt to follow the required format for the assignment; however, there are several errors and some missing requirements.
0 pts
There is no attempt to follow the required formatting for the assignment. Even if some of the other MLA requirements are met, if the Works Cited page is missing and/or there are no sources cited in the paper, the MLA Formatting score will be a zero.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph #1–Controversial Issue Descriiption + Research Question
15 pts
Nearly Flawless
Paragraph #1 very clearly names and describes the controversial issue and makes it clear exactly what people are arguing about. There is an extremely relevant citation in the first paragraph that clearly contributes to the discussion. The paragraph ends with an extremely clear, arguable, appropriately qualified, not too broad, not too vague, not too narrow Research Question.
14.25 pts
Well Above Average
Paragraph #1 very clearly names and describes the controversial issue and makes it clear exactly what people are arguing about. There is a relevant citation in the first paragraph that clearly contributes to the discussion. The paragraph ends with an extremely clear, arguable, appropriately qualified, not too broad, not too vague, not too narrow Research Question. The paragraph, however, is not as fluid and seamless as the “Nearly Flawless” paragraph.
12.75 pts
Above Average
Paragraph #1 clearly names and describes the controversial issue and makes it clear exactly what people are arguing about. The paragraph ends with a clear, arguable, appropriately qualified, not too broad, not too vague, not too narrow Research Question. The topic explanation and/or the Research Question may lack the higher-level language and/or sentence structure of the “Nearly Flawless” or “Well Above Average” assignment. There is a relevant citation in the paragraph that clearly relates to the discussion. Although clear, the sentences may not flow as smoothly.
11.25 pts
Paragraph #1 names and describes the controversial issue and attempts to discuss what people are arguing about. The paragraph ends with a Research Question; however, the question may lack clarity, may not be clearly arguable, may not be appropriately qualified, may be a bit broad, may be a bit vague, and/or may be a bit too narrow. At the very least, there is an attempt to name and explain the controversial issue, there is a somewhat relevant citation in the paragraph, and the paragraph does end in a question.
9.75 pts
Below Average
Paragraph #1 attempts to name and describe the controversial issue, but it may not clearly discuss what people are arguing about. The paragraph may or may not end with a Research Question. If it does end in a question, the question may lack clarity, and/or may not be clearly arguable. The paragraph may or may not include a citation from a source. Even if the paragraph meets all the other requirements of the assignment, IF THERE IS NO CITATION IN THE PARAGRAPH, “BELOW AVERAGE” IS THE HIGHEST SCORE THE ASSIGNMENT WILL RECEIVE FOR THIS CRITERION.
0 pts
There is no paragraph that resembles the requirements for Paragraph #1 of the Research Proposal assignment.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph #2–Three different points of view (ways of answering the Research Question)
30 pts
Nearly Flawless
Paragraph #2 very clearly discusses three distinct points of view that all answer the Research Question at the end of paragraph #1. All three points of view are objectively discussed and there is, therefore, no indication of the writer’s point of view concerning the issue. Each point of view is supported by a clear, relevant PARAPHRASED source citation.
28.5 pts
Well Above Average
Paragraph #2 clearly discusses three distinct points of view that all answer the Research Question at the end of paragraph #1. All three points of view are objectively discussed and there is, therefore, no indication of the writer’s point of view concerning the issue. Each point of view is supported by a clear, relevant PARAPHRASED source citation. Although very strong, the paragraph may not flow as smoothly as the “Nearly Flawless” paragraph.
25.5 pts
Above Average
Paragraph #2 clearly discusses three distinct points of view that all answer the Research Question at the end of paragraph #1. All three points of view are objectively discussed and there is, therefore, no indication of the writer’s point of view concerning the issue. Each point of view is supported by a clear, relevant PARAPHRSED source citation. The sources may not be as skillfully integrated into the paragraph as in the “Nearly Flawless” or “Well Above Average” assignment. Although clear, the sentences may not flow as smoothly.
22.5 pts
Paragraph #2 attempts to discuss three distinct points of view that all answer the Research Question at the end of paragraph #1. All three points of view may not be quite so objectively discussed as they need to be; therefore, there may be indication of the writer’s point of view concerning the issue. Each point of view is supported by a source citation (paraphrased or quoted even though students were required to paraphrase the sources), but the sources may not be skillfully integrated into the paragraph. There is, at the very least, an attempt to integrate three sources into the paragraph.
19.5 pts
Below Average
Paragraph #2 attempts to discuss different points of view that answer the Research Question at the end of paragraph #1. There may be less than three points of view discussed, the points of view may be repetitive, and/or the points of view may not be objectively discussed so that there is some indication of the writer’s point of view concerning the issue. There may or may not be three sources cited in the paragraph. NO MATTER HOW WELL THE PARAGRAPH IS WRITTEN, IF LESS THAN THREE SOURCES ARE CLEARLY CITED IN THE PARAGRAPH, “BELOW AVERAGE” IS THE HIGHEST SCORE THE ASSIGNMENT WILL RECEIVE FOR THIS CRITERION.
0 pts
There is no paragraph that resembles the requirements for Paragraph #2 of the Research Proposal assignment.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph #3–Lead into and justification for the student’s point of view
15 pts
Nearly Flawless
Paragraph #3 very clearly and skillfully transitions from the research question. There is a very clear indication of why the topic matters. The paragraph justifies and smoothly transitions into the main claim.
13.5 pts
Above Average
Paragraph #3 very clearly transitions from the research question. There is a clear indication of why the topic matters. The paragraph justifies and smoothly transitions into the main claim.
11.4 pts
Paragraph #3 makes an attempt to connect back to the research question stated at the end of Paragraph #1. There is some attempt to explain why the topic matters. The paragraph may or may not clearly justify and smoothly transition into the main claim, but there is an attempt to do so.
9.6 pts
Below Average
Paragraph #3 may or may not make an attempt to connect back to the research question stated at the end of Paragraph #1. There may or may not be an attempt to explain why the topic matters. The paragraph may or may not clearly justify and smoothly transition into the main claim, but there is at least an attempt to meet the requirements of the assignment. There may or may not be a recognizable thesis statement at the end of paragraph #3, but there is at least some sense of connection to the topic.
0 pts
There is no paragraph that resembles the requirements for Paragraph #3 of the Research Proposal assignment.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Statement
20 pts
Nearly Flawless
The writer’s main claim is expressed in an extremely clear, arguable, appropriately qualified, not too broad, not too narrow, not too vague Thesis Statement that clearly answers the Research Question at the end of Paragraph #1.
18.6 pts
Well Above Average
17 pts
Above Average
The writer’s main claim is expressed in a clear, arguable, appropriately qualified, not too broad, not too narrow, not too vague Thesis Statement that clearly answers the Research Question at the end of Paragraph #1. Although clear, the sentences may not flow as smoothly as in the “Nearly Flawless” or “Well Above Average” paragraph.
15 pts
The writer’s main claim is expressed in a somewhat arguable Thesis Statement that answers the Research Question at the end of Paragraph #1. There is, at the very least, a recognizable thesis statement at the end of paragraph #3.
13 pts
Below Average
There may or may not be a recognizable thesis statement at the end of paragraph #3, but there is at least some sense of connection to the topic. NO MATTER HOW STRONG THE REST OF THE PARAGRAPH IS, IF THERE IS NO RECOGNIZABLE THESIS STATEMENT, “BELOW AVERAGE” IS THE HIGHEST GRADE THE ASSIGNMENT WILL RECEIVE FOR THIS CRITERION.
0 pts
There is no recognizable thesis statement at the end of paragraph #3 and no sense of what the student’s argument might be and/or paragraph #3 is completely missing.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Mechanics
10 pts
Nearly Flawless
The grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, word usage, diction, and all other mechanics are nearly error free.
9 pts
Above Average
Any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, word usage, diction, and all other mechanics are very few and are very minor
7.5 pts
The errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, word usage, diction, and all other mechanics are frequent; however, they are not serious enough to impede the meaning for the reader.
6.5 pts
Below Average
The errors in grammar and mechanics greatly impede the sense of the sentences; however, some attempt is made towards more complex sentence structures even if most are not correct.
0 pts
Mechanical errors are so frequent and so severe that the reader cannot adequately follow the logic of the paper; it is written far below minimum standards for a college assignment.
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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