Assignment: Write an essay of three to four pages on one of the following topic

Assignment: Write an essay of three to four pages on one of the following topic

Assignment: Write an essay of three to four pages on one of the following topics. You must use MLA formatting, and your paper must be no fewer than three and no more than four pages long. Your essay should be entirely your own: no outside research is allowed. For help with MLA formatting, see Purdue’s OWL (Links to an external site.) or the MLA’s website (Links to an external site.). Also, of course, you have the Sample document in MLA format Download Sample document in MLA format.

Choose one of the fairy tales from the collection of Grimms’ fairy tales we use for class and analyze it in terms of Colette Dowling’s concept of the “Cinderella Complex,” Heather Lyons’ assertion that heroines in traditional tales are often more assertive and even subversive than is currently recognized (she emphasizes the historical context of the tales), or Bruno Bettelheim’s idea of the therapeutic “uses of enchantment.”
Choose one of the chapter books we read for class and analyze how one of its themes is developed through such elements as plot (but be careful not make your paper primarily a plot summary), characterization, narrative point of view, setting, and symbolism. Below is a list of the titles and themes you may choose from:
The Tale of Despereaux – light versus darkness; beauty versus ugliness; the quest; the power of storytelling
Charlotte’s Web- friendship, loyalty, cycles of life
The Birchbark House- the importance of place; the community of all living things; the complexity of identity; the difficulties of the marginalized
The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 – bullying, friendship, family, prejudice
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – friendship, otherness, breaking rules, forbidden knowledge, destiny
The War That Saved My Life – self-discovery, acceptance, family, identity
Number the Stars – coming of age, friendship, deprivation, oppression, bigotry, bravery
The Giver – the importance of memory, the value of the individual, the danger of conformity, the relationship between pleasure and pain

Criteria used for grading your essay:
the thoroughness and in-depth approach of your analysis
the logic of your argument
the effective use of textual evidence
the correct use of grammar and punctuation
the proper use of MLA formatting

Other requirements:
No research is allowed. All ideas must be either ideas discussed in class or ideas you have come up with yourself.
You need a clear, underlined thesis statement (a two-sentence thesis statement is acceptable).
If you choose topic 2, you must indicate which theme you are writing about; you can do this in your paper’s title, in your thesis statement, or in your introductory paragraph.
You do not need a title page, but you do need a title that is indicative of your thesis.
Since you are analyzing a specific text, you must include textual evidence to support your assertions; such evidence can be references to specific elements of the story, such as symbols or events, but you will almost certainly also need direct quotation from the text (including citation).
However, keep quotation to no more than twenty percent of your text.
A Work Cited page listing, in MLA format, the text you are analyzing. If you should find it useful to make reference to other material, such as our Trelease book or a movie version of one of the texts you are discussing, you must also include an entry or entries for that material on your Works Cited page (note that the word “Works” is now plural). Let me know if you need help formatting such an entry.

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