Begin this week’s assignment by reading the Improvement Case Study located in Ex
Begin this week’s assignment by reading the Improvement Case Study located in Exercise 9 on page 305 in your textbook. After you have read the case study, complete questions 3-13 located on pages 307-310 of your textbook.
Please Read This Additional Guidance
1) It is important that you read the instructions carefully and follow the instructions in order; otherwise, you will miss the opportunity to practice applying the tools and to see how the tools fit together to provide an improved problem-solving process.
2) When constructing your flowcharts, keep them at a fairly high level, meaning that your flowchart should have enough detail to communicate the process and identify problems but not so much detail that it involves pages and pages of drawings to represent the process.
3) Focus on one aspect of the process or a smaller portion of the total process. You will become overwhelmed if you attempt to construct a flowchart that includes scheduling, preregistration, the actual appointment, and billing processes all at once.
4) A common misperception about customer expectations is that customer satisfaction is the same as customers being “happy.” Don’t confuse the two.
5) Do NOT make the get bogged down when exploring and prioritizing root causes (in question
6) You do not necessarily need to construct a Pareto chart. The important point here is to show that you understand the relationship between the different tools and how to ascertain the magnitude of the contributions each root cause has to the problem.
7) Information gleaned from the previous questions, analysis, and tools should be reflected in the improved processes. You may become impatient with the steps required prior to improving the process; however, part of the learning in this exercise is the patience and discipline involved in critical thinking. It should be that the previous steps led to the improved process.
8) The key points are that improvement is a continuous and ongoing process and measuring and evaluating effectiveness are essential parts of the process.
You are not required to adhere to APA guidelines for this assignment. Your work will be graded on the quality and the level of critical thinking and analysis present in each of your answers.
Domains and Associated Competencies Assessed:
1. Leadership
Leading Change
2. Health and Healthcare Environment
Healthcare systems and organizations
3. Business
General Management
Quality Improvement