Below is a list of topics for your first essay due Wednesday, September 20th. Yo

Below is a list of topics for your first essay due Wednesday, September 20th. Yo

Below is a list of topics for your first essay due Wednesday, September 20th. Your essay should be five pages in length, typed and double-spaced. You are being graded according to the essay rubric also located on Blackboard in the “Course Content” section, as well as the General Education ability of Communication. I welcome and encourage any questions, outlines, and first drafts that you have—this can only increase your grade. In addition to gaining a greater understanding of each of the topics below through the assigned chapter readings, you should consult at least two to three library sources for further research. It is also extremely important that you include in your essay specific information taken directly from the reading. Finally, make sure your final draft includes proper style formatting such as MLA and a works cited page! Without proper style formatting, you are submitting a poor essay. Please select one topic from the choices below
You are a married working-class American living during the Progressive Era and you struggle daily to provide for your family. You have read some Progressive literature regarding the societal need to ban drinking and the desire on the part of the poor to have too many children. You do not feel the federal government should be involved in any effort to limit the number of children you would like or your desire to enjoy an occasional alcoholic drink. You want to write a long letter to your local newspaper to explain why such federal action goes against the founding principles of America. What will you write in your letter?

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