Case Study Presentation: Instructions attached -PowerPoint presentation for Digi

Case Study Presentation: Instructions attached -PowerPoint presentation for Digi

Case Study Presentation: Instructions attached -PowerPoint presentation for Digital Studies. Topic -Artificial Intelligence in Digital Media. I attached articles but others can be used. Need presentation for 8 mins and speaker notes.
Target time: 8 minutes
For this assignment, you are being asked to do a presentation with relevant information that is useful to our application and knowledge of digital studies.
In this presentation, you should
1. Describe the topic that is of interest to you, what this topic is about, and why you chose it (can be any topic that we covered this semester).
2. Select two cases that pertain to the topic. For example, if you are interested in Big Data, you can find examples from online about the application of Big Data, and talk about them. The examples can be any aspect related to your topic.
3. Discuss how the cases tie to the materials we have covered in class. For example, how Big Data are used and the dark side of Big Data.
4. Cite your references as needed.
5. Make a narrated PowerPoint (PowerPoint with speaker notes-I’ll add narration)

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