Category: Anatomy
Create and record a 3- to 5-minute presentation on a physiology topic using Pano
Create and record a 3- to 5-minute presentation on a physiology topic using Panopto or a similar recording software.You will record both yourself and your PowerPoint presentation at the same time, which can be done with Panopto. The video must capture your face and the presentation. Present the physiology of your topic.Physiology should be explained […]
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Respond to each person below either agreeing with something they said or giving
Respond to each person below either agreeing with something they said or giving positive feedback in 150+words the original question being asked is also included
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The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment: Imagine: A person is posing while resting o
The Poser Essay is a Lab Assignment: Imagine: A person is posing while resting on a small, narrow platform that only supports their trunk, neck and head. They are in a horizontal, prone, position. Their limbs are arranged as described below and they must contract some appendicular skeletal muscles to maintain the position of the […]
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Hello, please write a 5 page essay MLA form (no double space) times new roman fo
Hello, please write a 5 page essay MLA form (no double space) times new roman font size 12. Please write about the nervous system and how it correlates to parkinson’s disease. please also let them know the reason why I picked parkinson’s disease (I chose it because both of my grandfathers have parkinson’s disease. Reports […]
Read MoreAnatomy
Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the
Contrast the case made for the savannah theory of bipedalism (also known as the “radiator theory”) with the case Elaine Morgan makes for an aquatic role in human evolution . Which do you think is most plausible, and why? Your answer should be limited to 300 words (approx. 1 page).…
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Develop a table similar to the one below and fill in the relevant information. U
Develop a table similar to the one below and fill in the relevant information. Utilize tables 13.4 and 13.5 in Chapter 13 of the textbook and the video tutorials as a reference.
Read MoreAnatomy
This extra credit assignment is worth 4% extra credit for Exam 2. Due 4-05 Watch
This extra credit assignment is worth 4% extra credit for Exam 2. Due 4-05 Watch Lesson 1 Movement (parts 1 through 5; see links, below)** and do the following: Write multiple part description of the contents of the video in which you describe the events of the dissection/lecture in the order that they occur.Do not […]
Read MoreAnatomy
For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an inf
For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an inf For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an infographic or brochure on one of these topics: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins DNA RNA Be sure to give us an overview on the topic from a physiology standpoint, and […]
Read MoreAnatomy
For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an inf
For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an inf For the first lab assignment, watch the following videos, and then create an infographic or brochure on one of these topics: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins DNA RNA Be sure to give us an overview on the topic from a physiology standpoint, and […]
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Read the information, do some independent research, and answer the questions tha
Read the information, do some independent research, and answer the questions tha Read the information, do some independent research, and answer the questions that follow: Osteoporosis is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having a T-score less than -2.5. Some people have low bone density. You may hear this condition called osteopenia. Osteopenia […]
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