Category: Education
Typical and Atypical Literacy Development
In the early education classroom, you will have students with varying levels of literacy readiness. Some students will come from a background that provided them early access to literacy through preschool, reading books at home, and other educational opportunities. It is important to be able to recognize the typical and atypical literacy patterns in beginning […]
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brothers 2
For your midterm, use either of the websites listed below and read the research/ article on literacy and research. Dependent upon how long you have been in the field of education, within the last 5 years, the art of teaching reading has changed from what was referred to as balanced literacy to the science […]
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Objective: This assignment aims to develop your skills in addressing parental concerns and applying course knowledge to real-world scenarios in special education and inclusion. Assignment Description: You will conduct a written interview/dialog with a hypothetical parent of a student with special needs. This assignment will test your ability to communicate effectively, address concerns, and […]
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How to engage ELL families
An integral part of supporting ELLs is advocating for their needs and encouraging families to engage in the school community. Not only do teachers and school administrators support students, but the involvement of families in the educational community is an important component of student success. Imagine you are a part of a team of ESL […]
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Education GENE 402 Making of the Christian Leader Book Revie…
Students may choose from one of the books listed below on which to write a review. The review should be approximately 1000 words in length. (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1″ margins, 1.5 or double spaced). The goal is to give your classmates a clear, accurate, and concise summary/analysis of the book or article. […]
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Education GENE 402 Making of the Christian Leader Book Revie…
Students may choose from one of the books listed below on which to write a review. The review should be approximately 1000 words in length. (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1″ margins, 1.5 or double spaced). The goal is to give your classmates a clear, accurate, and concise summary/analysis of the book or article. […]
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FINAL PROJECT 3 TEXT-DEPENDENT QUESTIONS (100 pts): Read page 102 from the Mississippi ELA Curriculum Guide (A PDF is available in Canvas.) Go to and study the information about Ruby Bridges. Go to and study the three sections on Ruby Bridges. Pay particular attention to the images as well as the text. Write 4 text-dependent […]
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Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography for the following source, at least 150 words for each. Ingersoll, R. M., & Strong, M. (2011). “The impact of induction and mentoring on teacher retention: A review of the literature.” Review of Educational Research, 81(2), 201-233. Grissom, J. A., & Loeb, S. (2011). “Triangulating Principal Leadership: A Framework and Evidence on the […]
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Education week 5 final assignment
As you have learned over the last four weeks, there are many considerations to include when designing a positive learning environment: from considering the unique needs of your students; fostering classroom community; developing schedules; routines and transitions; to ensuring the overall climate is diverse, equitable, and inclusiveit is no simple task. For your final assignment […]
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Education week 5 final assignment
As you have learned over the last four weeks, there are many considerations to include when designing a positive learning environment: from considering the unique needs of your students; fostering classroom community; developing schedules; routines and transitions; to ensuring the overall climate is diverse, equitable, and inclusiveit is no simple task. For your final assignment […]
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