Category: Medicine


Utilize the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Toolkit Download to devel

Utilize the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Toolkit Download to develop a gap analysis on a specific area you want to focus on. You may not utilize your identified practice problem to develop this gap analysis. Using evidence to support your idea, identify gaps between current affairs and desired state. Identify stakeholders and build […]

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Aim The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of the role

Aim The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of the role of communication and how to enhance communication in nursing clinical practice. You will demonstrate this by creating artefacts reflecting your knowledge of the weekly content. Instructions This assessment consists of seven individual tasks, each task relating to the unit content of […]

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Qualitative research appraisal on provided article. The appraisal mus be based o

Qualitative research appraisal on provided article. The appraisal mus be based on the reporting quality of the article, marked against the reporting quality guide criteria given. please make sure this can get a high distinction.

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The student must write a 750-1000 word case study paper that is relevant to Huma

The student must write a 750-1000 word case study paper that is relevant to Human Anatomy and Physiology on subjects related to humans with respect to a disease, syndrome or malady, particularly related to conditions associated with Human A&P body systems. Please see the preferred listed topics in Canvas. If there is a specific disease […]

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– one paragraph about bladder cancer , its rank among other types of cancer , in

– one paragraph about bladder cancer , its rank among other types of cancer , incidence and mortality rate world wide , then in Saudi Arabia , gender affect ( more common in male or female ) add numbers . – types and how diagnostic , available treatments for bladder cancer the start to Criticize […]

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Article review Was the title appropriate? Did the abstract adequately summari

Article review Was the title appropriate? Did the abstract adequately summarize the article? Did the introduction adequately review the prevailing literature? Comment on methodological rigor. Did the results make sense? Were they well-presented? Given the results, were the discussion and conclusions appropriate? How might you improve upon this study? Comment on the educational importance of […]

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A researcher wants to design a study to investigate the impact of simulation-bas

A researcher wants to design a study to investigate the impact of simulation-based training (this could be employ standardized patients, part-task trainers, simulators and any given skill set). “Impact” could mean a number things, including quality of the educational program, reliability validity of the metrics, translation of simulation based training to practice with ‘real’ patients. […]

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Provide an update (2 pages maximum) on your research project/thesis Have your re

Provide an update (2 pages maximum) on your research project/thesis Have your research questions changed? If yes, how? Provide a rationale for your design (if you are doing a review, what is your strategy for gathering the literature) What problems have you encountered? How have you addressed them? I HAVE WRITTEN MY PROJECT. READ IT […]

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Serum proGRP can tell the difference between non-cancerous pulmonary inflammatio

Serum proGRP can tell the difference between non-cancerous pulmonary inflammations and early-stage non-small cell lung cancers. The dissertation must be expanded and updated based on the attached documents: 1. Introduction must be 12–13 pages 2. Materials and Methods: 4-5 pages 3. Results: 10 pages (descriiption of the attached data) 4. Discussion: 12–13 Pages – Due […]

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I need to write a compelling statement to request the Chan e to retake my exist

I need to write a compelling statement to request the Chan e to retake my exist medical exam and continue my studies in the current school I’m in now. Thank you.

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