Choose a dancer, choreographer, dance company, dance crew, dance video, danc

Choose a dancer, choreographer, dance company, dance crew, dance video, danc

Choose a dancer, choreographer, dance company, dance crew, dance video, dance movie, or specific dance genre or style of dance that interests you.
In your paper, you will give a concise synopsis of your topics history and significance.
Then you will describe (a) how they were unique and (b) what they changed about their field (c) and what drew you to them.
Research your topic with at least THREE scholarly sources. 
I am assuming you will all be already using your textbook, so you must pick 3 sources in addition to your textbook.
You may use additional sources as well that are not scholarly. 
See the Dance History and Appreciation Resource Guide on the Cerritos College Library website, or visit with a librarian online for assistance to find scholarly sources. They are always happy to assist you in your research, and can sometimes find scholarly or trade articles on your topic, where you thought there were none!
 Dance History and Appreciation Research Guide URL: 
Dance Appreciation Library GuideLinks to an external site. 
Write in standard  format with an opening paragraph, which includes your thesis statements regarding your topic, body paragraphs supporting your thesis, and a closing paragraph. 
Use MS Word and type the paper in MLA Style.
The paper should be approximately 500 words long. 
Titles of individual dances should be in italics and capitalized.  For example: Merce Cunningham’s Rainforest.  Concert and dance company names should be Capitalized but not italicized.
Always cite when you refer to any other writings or opinions that are not your own. Other than taking factual information from websites (dates, times, venue, names…) and paraphrasing or quoting from reviewers, you should not “borrow” writing from another source. 
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.  If your paper can not be read by Turnitin, you will receive a “O” for the assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their paper is readable by Turnitin. 
List all your sources in a Works Cited Page. Website references and videos need to include both the website, and the date the website was accessed.
Login to the Cerritos College Library Website to access scholarly articles for FREE on their academic databases. You can find the same articles on Google, but you will may have to pay for them.
 I will count Dance Magazine, Dance Spirit, Dance Teacher, The New York Times and articles from any other dance trade magazine as scholarly articles, especially for more contemporary artists who may not have much written about them otherwise.  

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