Choose one of the essays from the textbook or They Say I Say Blog, and write an

Choose one of the essays from the textbook or They Say I Say Blog, and write an

Choose one of the essays from the textbook or They Say I Say Blog, and write an extended summary of the essay (“they say”) as well as your response to the arguments made (“I say”). You can use additional essays or sources as support for your own ideas, but you should construct your own argument in response to one particular author and article.
Your essay must have an INTRODUCTION with your own thesis statement (use the templates from They Say I Say), well developed BODY paragraphs including an extended summary of the article AND your own argument which you must support with your own ideas, examples, and observations as well as information from the article you chose.
You should introduce the full title and author of the article you are discussing in the introduction. State that author’s thesis and then respond to that thesis with your own point – your thesis.
I’d like for you to mainly use summary and paraphrase of the author’s argument; however, you should also use a few quotes (not more than three or four). Make sure you introduce the quotes correctly and “sandwich” them, as described in the textbook.
In the following body paragraphs, fully summarize the author’s point and then respond using the “I say,” “Yes/No/Okay, But” strategy described in the textbook.
Document your main source as well as any other sources that you use. Include In-Text Citations and a Works Cited Page. Use your handbook as a guide (See MLA Section) or use an online source.
Be sure to edit and proofread your work to eliminate all grammatical and mechanical errors.

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