COH 1300 Week 11 Assignment Due 11/30
Week 11 Assignment
Assignments should be s
COH 1300 Week 11 Assignment Due 11/30
Week 11 Assignment
Assignments should be submitted as a PDF or Word Document ONLY and uploaded to this link (please refer to digital resources in syllabus on how to do this).
– Include a header (name, class, date, assignment #), number each question, and answer each question in full detailed sentences (about a paragraph for each question).
– You MUST include specific and solif examples from the text, slides, readings, or videos to support your response to receive full credit.
– Do not cut and paste from any text/ websites (plagerism). You can rephrase information – click here for how to paraphrase:
– To receive full credit, you should answer all parts of the questions, write approximately a paragraph for each question, and demonstrate to me that you full engage with ALL the weekly required content.
Week 11 slideset (and embedded links and videos within slide set)
All documents posted in Weekly Content Folder
Watch (all located in weekly content folder):
Intro to Epi study types (8:59)
Epidemiology Study Types: Cohort and Case-Control (7:22)
Odds (8:01)
Odds Ratios and Risk Ratios (17:25)
Answer the following Questions and upload them to this assignment (read details above):
Describe the difference between analytic observation studies verse experimental studies.
Describe what a CASE is and what a CONTROL is and how they differ.
Identify ways in which researchers define and locate cases to include in studies.
Define selection bias and name and describe the two types of observation bias.
Define and describe a RETROSPECTIVE cohort study and a PROSPECTIVE cohort study and how they work.
Define and describe Healthy Worker effect.
Define and describe Loss to Follow-up.
What is the formula for odds ratio and what is the formula for relative risk?
What is a meta-analysis and why is it so important? What is a body of evidence?
What is meta-analysis? video on youtube
Intro to Epidemiology Study Types view on youtube
Epidemiology Study Types: Cohort and Case-Control