Companies undertake FDI for many reasons and evaluate a host of factors in any F

Companies undertake FDI for many reasons and evaluate a host of factors in any F

Companies undertake FDI for many reasons and evaluate a host of factors in any FDI decision. Imagine that you work for a smart phone manufacturer of your choice based outside Mexico – and your team is charged with evaluating the viability of a greenfield assembly plant in Mexico. Decide which smart phone manufacturer you work for, and research that company to respond to the questions below.
– What management issues should your team consider in making its evaluation? Explain.
– How will culture affect the marketing and manufacturing strategy? The implementation?
– For 2 FDI theories in this chapter, describe a scenario in which the theory explains why the company invested in Mexico or not.
– What policy instruments can Mexico use to attract additional FDI inflows? Explain.
(Please reference to Ch.7 slide show )
(Follow the rubric given as well )

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