COO #9: Explain the marine accident and casualty reporting requirements of the U

COO #9: Explain the marine accident and casualty reporting requirements of the U

COO #9: Explain the marine accident and casualty reporting requirements of the US Coast Guard and BSEE
regulatory agencies for OCS operations.
A. Read 33 CFR Part 146.30, 146.35, 146.40 and 146.45 of the US Coast Guard regulations detailing the marine
accident and casualty reporting requirements for OCS activities under the jurisdiction of the US Coast Guard
B. Read 30 CFR Part 250.186-190 of the BSEE dealing with accident reporting requirements for OSC activities
under the jurisdiction of BSEE.
Prepare a written company policy and procedure that could be used in the field by personnel to comply with the
accident reporting requirements. Include in this policy and procedure the accident reporting criteria for both US
Coast Guard and BSEE along with criteria for reporting, time frame, oral and written reporting requirements. In
addition, locate the actual forms for reporting accidents and include these in the policy and procedure as an
exhibit. The SEMS program contained in 30 CFR 250 Subpart S also has an annual reporting requirement for
accidents. Do not forget to include this in your company policy. Locate this document and include the
requirements for submission of this form in your company policy and procedure. The information collected in
the form is used to gather the raw Performance Measures Data relating to risk and number of accidents,
injuries, and oil spills during OCS activities.
Your policy and procedure should answer the following basic questions:
1. What types of incidents must be reported for USGC and BSEE?
2. What information is required to be reported for USGC and BSEE?
3. What incidents require a written report for USGC and BSEE?
4. What is the time frame if any to repo for the incident for USGC and BSEE?
5. What forms are required to be completed for reporting incidents for both USCG and BSEE?
6. When do I report to US Coast Guard and when do I report to BSEE?
B. Respond to the forum #5 by due date listed in the course calendar. This is worth 30 points. Your response
must be at least 300 words.

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