Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
Due: Sun Dec 3, 2023 11:59pmPreparati
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
Due: Sun Dec 3, 2023 11:59pmPreparation
This assignment is based on the Hoffman’s 2015 case study, Vodafone Egypt and the Arab Spring: When Government and Business Collide Links to an external site..
Complete the following:
Review the assigned readings from the previous weeks and reflect on the strengths, weaknesses, and issues with each major theory and how they may impact the issues presented in the case study.
Conduct your own research in the Capella library to locate additional resources to support your work in this assignment.
After reading the Hoffman case study, complete the following in 4–5 pages:
Analyze the ethical dilemma presented in the case study.Should corporations influence public policy?
How should a corporation respond when a government request conflicts with business strategy?
Evaluate the role of CSR in a politically unstable setting.How are corporations and politics interconnected?
What is the responsibility of corporations when it comes to human rights?
Is it possible to find a resolution when a crisis situation threatens the bottom line of a multinational corporation?
Recommend a course of action that you would take if you were faced with this challenge.Support your recommendation with your framework, ethical theories, and principles.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Your assignment should demonstrate sound critical thinking and research skills, as well as doctoral-level writing skills.
Length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, not including the title page, reference page, or appendices.
References: A minimum of five scholarly resources, of which at least three must be from your own research. Be sure that your resources are recent (within the last 3–5 years) and appropriate.
APA format: Follow current APA Style and FormatLinks to an external site. guidelines.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Week 8 Discussion: Corporate Obligation
In your post, address the following:
What is an organization’s obligation regarding human rights?
What ethical framework did you use to arrive at your response?
Support your position with references to the readings in this week and your own research. Be sure you follow current APA Style and FormatLinks to an external site.guidelines for citations and references.Response Guidelines
Engage in a conversational dialogue with at least two of your peers. This should be an exchange of ideas and experiences that add to each other’s work. Ask questions, seek clarification, and, as appropriate, challenge claims. You are encouraged to participate in an ongoing dialogue.