Create a brief instructional manual explaining how to and how not to do gender f
Create a brief instructional manual explaining how to and how not to do gender for your chosen topic. (do being a girl and having a boyfriend)
Choose a particular topic, which could be an action, activity, type of interaction, or object. Carefully consider the socially inscribed lessons – subtle and/or not-so-subtle – on how to and how not to do gender, in terms of your particular topic. I recommend writing your manual from your assigned at birth gender and/or sex OR the gender that you currently identify with as well as any other social positions that you occupy per the social construction of difference in our societies.
Then, write out a reflection summarizing the socially inscribed lessons related to your topic, including observations about the rewards and punishments that might result for someone who adheres to or violates those lessons.
(use the same topic: being a bogirl and having a boyfriend)
What rewards and/or punishments (in terms of gender policing) might result for the individual who adheres to or violates those lessons? You might also consider how these lessons and outcomes are specific to certain group differences, including those of race, class, and sexuality. That is, doing gender may also have other social dimensions important for understanding how gender is coded per our intersecting identities.
Use the files as examples but dont use them as sources.