CREATE AN INFOGRAPHIC You have to meet the “messaging” requirements for infograp

CREATE AN INFOGRAPHIC You have to meet the “messaging” requirements for infograp

CREATE AN INFOGRAPHIC You have to meet the “messaging” requirements for infographic.
1. statement of interest (problem statement): Describe the major themes represented in Singularity science fiction. Articulate the differences between “consciousness,” “mind” and “brain.”
2. current situation (data, policy…): Describe ideas which underlie “the death of death” Describe how this is an “event horizon.”
3. goal(s): Describe the mechanics of uploading one’s mind/brain/consciousness to the cloud.
4. solutions: Describe “solutions” created by uploading one’s “self” to the cloud.
5. current example: Describe one example how the Singularity is impacting healthcare now.

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