Criteria for Informative PresentationThe topic of this speech will be your choic
Criteria for Informative PresentationThe topic of this speech will be your choice. Choose something you areinterested in. You want to enlighten and inform your audience.1. This is NOT a slide presentation2. 5 – 8 minutes long; no longer or shorter.3. Must use a visual aid: drawing, photo, diagram, object, etc. Itmust enhance or add to understanding of the speech. Yourspeech is NOT a slide presentation.4. You will submit online or hand me a typed outline which includes:the introduction and conclusion completely typed out containingthe proper elements contained in each, and the body with mainpoints and subpoints. You will submit it the day you give thespeech. Do NOTsubmit a Google document to turn inelectronically. Save it as a word,.txt, or .pdf.5. You will also turn in at least 3 different reputable sources for abibliography, included with the outline. The sources must be inAPA format.6. You must verbally cite at least one source in your speech.7. You must also turn in a typed detailed analysis of the audience,which will be your classmates. Use the information from thechapter on audience analysis and the instructor’s guidelines.Attach it to the outline.8. You may use notes. But you will not read your speech or a ‘0’ willbe given. Do NOT use your whole speech written out.9. Be careful not to be persuasive.Grading:+Turned in your speech: outline, bibliography, audience analysis using correctformat.+A correct introduction: Attention getter, credibility, central idea, preview.+Correct outline body format: main points with subpoints.+Correct conclusion: Summary, closure.+Cite at least one source.+Bibliography has at least three sources and is in correct format.+Audience analysis is thorough.+Did not read speech.+ Speech is within time limit.+ Speech is informative.