DIRECTIONS: Answer each one of these questions. In answering the question give a
DIRECTIONS: Answer each one of these questions. In answering the question give attention to the “scoring rubric” that gives guidance as to what is expected. Make sure that you identify the question you are answering.
1. Given the facts and circumstances of this case, how would you go about establishing a mission and vision for this school?
2. If you were able to establish to collaboratively evaluate, develop, and communicate a school mission and vision designed to reflect a core set of values and priorities that use technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community mission and vision, how would you then go about leading a school improvement process that included data use, design, implementation, and evaluation?
3. Given the facts and circumstances how would you collaboratively engage diverse families in such a way as to strengthen student learning in and out of school?
4. Knowing that working with families is only one part of the necessary outreach of a school leader and knowing the demographics and location of Slow Waters school community how would you engage and cultivate relationships with community members, partners, and other constituencies for the benefit of school improvement and student development?