Discuss the cultural transmission within and social mobility of the elite in Dom

Discuss the cultural transmission within and social mobility of the elite in Dom

Discuss the cultural transmission within and social mobility of the elite in Domhoff.
Discuss the similarities and differences between Mills’ power elite and the upper class referred to by Domhoff.
Discuss the notion of Reich’s American social compact in relation to the power elite, Domhoff’s upper classes, and the persistence of the poor or underclass in the U.S. How might these concepts be interrelated or interdependent?
In your group’s opinion, what is the most compelling argument or function of the poor or underclass as discussed by Gans. Why?
This is a group discussion question. It should be based on an actual discussion among your group members!
I suggest using FaceTime, Zoom, or Google Chat/Meet to actually discuss the answer before writing it up.
Additionally, the answer should be written from the perspective of the group “we think…” You can also highlight in your answer areas or issues where group members were NOT in agreement or alternative answers.
The final assignment should be about 2 pages, single-spaced, 1 inch margins, Times Roman 12 point font.
Your papers will be scored based on:
Use of sociological terms, concepts and theories. (10 points)
Depth of analysis – How well did your essay answer each question? How well did your essay discussion connect the information in the articles to course content covered at any time in the semester? (10 points)
Answers should rely on the information provided in the articles. In other words, use the concpets, theories, and discussions presented by the author(s) in the articles to answer the questions. Only provide your personal views, opinions, and experiences when directly asked to do so in the assignment question. [Failing to use the information from the articles in a great way to lose points on the Critical Thinking (CT) assignments.]
You should refer to these articles using in-text citation with the author(s) and publication date. Please DO NOT write the entire article title and authors – it just takes up space and adds little to your discussion. No reference page is necessary.
Please have more than one person in the group answer each question to ensure that the answers are comprehensive and well written. Technically, every member of the group should be responsible for all or at least three (3) or the four questions. The more student answers the easier it will be to combine them to create the “best” answer for each question.
Structure/Grammar – How well written is your essay? (5 points)
Well-written papers that thoughtfully answer all questions and use sociological terms and theories appropriately will receive higher scores. DO NOT DEFINE THE TERMS IN YOUR ESSAYS. Just use them appropriately, please.

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