Discuss what “Europe” was like just before the Roman Conquests Discuss the signi

Discuss what “Europe” was like just before the Roman Conquests
Discuss the signi

Discuss what “Europe” was like just before the Roman Conquests
Discuss the significance of the Roman Empire
Discuss the roles of cities, culture, law & the economy in Romanization
Discuss the two main interpretations of the significance of Romanization
Discuss the debate over whether the Roman Empire actually fell
Give an overview of the late medieval crises and discuss how they made the Renaissance more possible
Give a broad overview of the Renaissance
Discuss education before Humanism, & Humanism’s three main characteristics
Machiavalli, The Prince, chapters listed on Canvas > Assignments > Readings
Thought Provokers
You may freely take from or adapt ideas from the below interpretations as if they were your own. You
may also partly or completely ignore them and create your own interpretation. The so-called
“thought provokers” are merely here to give a sense of what “interpretation” can look like. Your own
interpretation does not necessarily have to be so clear cut.
An interpretation influenced by “postcolonial theory”:
The Renaissance is an example of the “colonization of the mind,” in this case, of the peoples we now
call “European” by the Roman Empire. Europeans never fought and won a war of independence
against the Roman Empire, and because of that they never broke the mental shackles that came with
its conquest of them. Indeed, they even identified with and extolled their ancestral conquerors who
crushed the independence and self-realization of the rich, varied, and growing Celtic cultures that
flourished in western Eurasia before. Indeed, Europeans not only glorified the Roman Empire and
Discuss how the dominant interpretation of the consequences of the Reformation has changed
Discuss the religious culture before the Ref., then define the Ref. & discuss its “causes”
Discuss how early modern Catholicism and Protestantism differed. Include religion & priests, grace &
works, & sources of legitimacy.
Discuss the main characteristics of Luther’s life. How might they relate to his spiritual beliefs [the so-
called “psycho-history” or “family history” approach]?
Discuss Luther’s break with the Catholic Church and how Protestant ideas spread.
The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre and the French Wars of Religion (1562-1598):
The Painful Birth of European Religious Tolerance and Modern Politics
What was the relationship between religion & politics before the Wars?
What were the four main groups in the Wars, and how did the Wars begin?
What were the causes & results of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre?
How did the artist [of the mural in the reception area of the Papal residence] translate the views of
the Papacy of the time into an image?
What did the Massacre lead Protestant political thinkers to propose?
What enabled peace to be reestablished?
Natalie Zemon Davis, “Rites of Violence,” on Canvas > Assignments > Readings

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