Each student will select 3 articles from professional refereed journals. The art

Each student will select 3 articles from professional refereed journals. The art

Each student will select 3 articles from professional refereed journals. The articles must be over 6 pages in length. The articles cannot be from newsletters, or summaries found on webpages, or electronic journals. However, journals that are published but then are also available electronically are okay. They must be data based research articles. A data based article typically uses participants. For this assignment, reviews are not considered data based articles and should not be used. One article must be related to ASD and interventions or innovative accommodations. Another article must be related to racial or ethnic, or cultural issues in ASD diagnosis and/or interventions/ treatment. The third article must be related to an issue of particular interest to you. For each article, a Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet must be completed and submitted through Canvas. The Research Article Reviews Summary Sheet can be found in, and downloaded from, Module 9. In submitting your summaries, include your name, the complete citation (using APA style). The reviews assignment is worth 150 points (50 points for each review). You will need to submit your 3 Research Article Reviews Summary Sheets as one document, in .doc or .docx format, electronically through Canvas. Do not attach or send me a copy of the journal articles. Please do not send your reviews to my e-mail account. I will not read them or grade them. The assignment, as all assignments, will only be read and graded when submitted through the Assignment section of Canvas. You must use your own words. All three reviews will be checked to determine if work from the original source is incorporated into the written portion of the review and passed off as original work. This check is done using TurnItIn SimCheck. TurnItIn SimCheck also checks your work against other student papers from current and prior courses.
The research article reviews assignment will be graded using the rubric in Appendix B. It is important that you review the rubric prior to starting the assignment.
NOTE: If you are not familiar with APA style, it is recommended that you review the American Psychological Association website and review this information there. You could also purchase the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Or, you can typically check a manual out at a local library or the BSU Library. Also, if you wish to purchase the manual you can order a copy from the BSU Bookstore or at Barnes & Noble.
Research Article Reviews Rubric (1)
Research Article Reviews Rubric (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBackground information and research questions for each article are identified and discussed
27 to >26.0 ptsProficient
Study background is thorough and all research questions are identified and clear discussed.
26 to >18.0 ptsCompetent
Brief description of study background with reference to research questions.
18 to >0 ptsNovice
Very little information for a rational for the study is given. Or research questions are vague or missing for at least one article.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParticipants for each article is discussed
27 ptsProficient
Participants are described in detail including age, gender, how they were recruited for the study, number of participants, and other relevant information.
26 ptsCompetent
Participants are described, but not in complete detail for full credit.
18 ptsNovice
Participants are only briefly mentioned and several details are missing. Or participant information is missing for at least one article.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMethods for each article is discussed
27 ptsProficient
Method and research design is described in detail. Details are provided such as design of the study, instruments used within the study, what data was gathered, and how it was gathered. If design uses statistical analyses, the type of analysis is identified.
26 ptsCompetent
Some details about the design are missing such that the reader cannot determine the process of the study. Some details described for full credit are absent or vague. Or the research design is not clearly stated.
18 ptsNovice
The method of the study is described briefly and several important components are missing. The research design is not clearly stated. Or methods information is missing for at least one article.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch outcomes for each study is discussed
27 ptsProficient
Research outcomes are first described in terms of the data collected. Discussion and conclusions drawn by the authors are provided.
26 ptsCompetent
Research outcomes are only described in terms of conclusions drawn and the data is not discussed.
18 ptsNovice
Research outcomes are vague and not related to the questions asked in the study. Or outcomes information is missing for at least one article.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritique is provided for each article
27 ptsProficient
A critique of the study is provided. Limitations to the study are given in detail and directions for future research are given.
26 ptsCompetent
Critique of the study is limited to author’s noted limitations and does not display insight. Future directions are brief.
18 ptsNovice
Critique of the study is either missing or overly brief for at least one article.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of writing and APA-style citation
15 ptsProficient
Critique is well written. Correct APA style citation is provided.
14 ptsCompetent
Quality of writing is slightly poor. Or citation is not in APA style.
10 ptsNovice
Quality of writing is poor. Or citation is missing or not in APA style for at least one article.
Total Points: 150

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