Each week, two members of the class will identify an existing digital advocacy c

Each week, two members of the class will identify an existing digital advocacy c

Each week, two members of the class will identify an existing digital advocacy campaign, givean overview of what issue the campaign is trying to address and the strategies and tactics usedto accomplish that for the class, by answering each of the following questions:
1. What is the GR issue?
2. Who do you think is behind the campaign? Is there a clear organization putting theirname to it?
3. Which level of government does the campaign target?
4. Is there a Call to Action? What is it?
It may be useful to share some of the materials from the campaign, such as digital ads or amicrosite. You can either share your screen with the class, or provide the materials to theinstructor before class begins.
Here’s the link to the video of example presentation:
Comments from Customer
Campaign should be in Canada Discipline: government relation

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