EDU 8823 Representation of Analysis and Quantitative Data

Module Four | Building Visuals in SPSS Lab

  • Due Sep 15 by 11:59pm
  • Points 5
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

Building Visuals in SPSS Lab

As we move forward in this course, we will increasingly use resources from Laerd Statistics. Many of the weekly labs will use example data from Laerd and will follow the associated guides as a workbook to learn the relevant SPSS skills for each week. Reference the links to your readings for this week to see where you can download the data and follow along with the Laerd guides.

**PLEASE NOTE: Lab assignments that use the Laerd guides require you to walk through SPSS activities according to the process outlined in Laerd, then using what you learned through that process, you should write a response to the lab questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not simply copy and paste written descriptions from Laerd and use them as your own work.

  • Activity:
    • Follow the instructions on all 5 of the Laerd guides (bar chart, line graph, simple histogram, simple scatterplot, pie chart) and work through the examples with the data provided through the website, then once you have produced the visuals for each guide, copy and paste it into a Word document to show your work.
    • For each visual, write a brief description for why the visual is appropriate for the kind of variables you are working with, paying particular attention to the variables level of measurement.

    **Note: Make sure to put your work into 1 single Word document that you will submit for this assignment. Include your answers to the questions AND the SPSS output in the Word document that you submit.


SPSS Lab Rubric

SPSS Lab Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccuracy

3 pts


No more than 2 incorrect answers. High attention to detail and excellent application of course curriculum to module activity.

2 pts


3-5 incorrect answers. Moderate attention to detail and good application of course curriculum to module activity.

1 pts


More than 5 incorrect answers. Poor attention to detail and poor application of course curriculum to module activity.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

2 pts


Submission is clean, immaculately organized, contains all pieces of information required for the lab. SPSS output organized very well and clearly connected to text answers.

1 pts


Submission is mostly organized, if missing pieces of information, only missing 1-2 pieces of information. SPSS output mostly organized and generally has a clear connection to text answers.

0 pts


Submission is disorganized, missing several pieces of information, and generally difficult to read. SPSS output unclear in its organization and possibly missing.

2 pts

Total Points: 5

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