EKG Lab Report Guidelines found on Canvas with that lab. For the Results sect
EKG Lab Report Guidelines found on Canvas with that lab. For the Results section, you should include the following data, presented in table format: Heart Rate (BPM) at rest, After sitting up quickly, When inhaling and exhaling, and Immediately after exercise. Additionally, you should also show the following time intervals: P-Q interval (ventricular systole) at rest and after exercising, and End of T wave to next Q wave (ventricular diastole) at rest and after exercising (both measured in seconds). Don’t forget to include a Reference Section. Finally, remember, 10% per cent will be deducted from lab report grade for every calendar day late!
Format (10 points): Cover page with your name, BIO 240L with lab section, name
of the exercise, date that it is due, and name of your lab professor. The lab report
should be spell-checked, double-spaced, printed font (no script!) size 11 or 12.
Skip a space between sections and include the section titles (e.g. Introduction, Results, etc).
2. Introduction (20 points): Describe how the heart works by explaining the components
and function of the heart’s electrical conduction system, and the components of a standard
EKG. Define each of the waves & intervals by describing what they represent
(depolarization, repolarization, etc). For this section, you may use your hand-outs, lecture
notes, or any other sources of additional information. Make sure you properly list any
source that you use in the Reference Section.
3. Materials and Methods (10 points): List all materials used for this lab and briefly
describe what you did. Include enough detail so that if someone looks at your lab
report they would be able to replicate the lab.
4. Results (30 points): Include the data from the data recording section. The data
tables should be re-typed in your report. Each table should have a number and a
heading (ex. Table 1. Heart Rate at Rest While Lying Down) while indicating the units
involved (ex. BPM). Data should include the Mean (Average) of Heart Rate (BPM)
and duration of ventricular systole (sec) & diastole (sec) while: 1) Lying Down; 2) Inhaling
Deeply (while seated); 3) Exhaling Deeply (while seated); and Immediately After Exercise.
** NOTE: Do NOT interpret your results in this section; that’s what the Discussion is for.
5. Discussion (20 points): Explain what was happening to the heart rate and duration
of ventricular systole & diastole recorded on the EKG during the four conditions indicated
in the results. Were there any changes? Why? In this section, you should also discuss
any difficulties you may have had in performing the lab which might have resulted in an
‘abnormal’ recording. Also include any other factors that might have affected the recording,
such as do you smoke or have an arrhythmia?
6. References (10 points): List by alphabetical order of author’s last name all references
that you used for this lab report. You can use any style, but be consistent.
a) Journal Article: Last name, First initial. Year of publication. Title of article. Name
of journal, volume, pages.
b) Book: Last name, First initial. Name of book, edition (if applicable). Publisher,
Place and year of publication: pages used
c) Hand-out: Last name, First initial. Name of lesson. Name of manual with volume or
version. Name of Company