Ending Poverty

Write 4 paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • What is the “Universal Basic Income?”
  • Is Universal Basic Income a solution to poverty? Why?
  • Is there any other way to eliminate poverty in America or the world that would be more effective?
  • Why are jobs and education not a solution to poverty?

Use at least 3 of the following sources:


Grading criteria:

    • Student can gain up to 5 points per paragraph written, and 10 points for the bibliography (list of sources consulted).
    • Each paragraph must answer one of the questions.
    • Each paragraph must demonstrate that the student completed the required readings and videos. Each paragraph must contain a direct reference or quotation to some of the required readings.
    • Each paragraph must be original, using student’s own work and ideas.
    • A complete list of used-sources must be included after the 3 paragraphs. Sources must be listed using or format.

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