ENG 112: Issue within the Discipline: Final Research Paper
What is a current hot
ENG 112: Issue within the Discipline: Final Research Paper
What is a current hot topic issue or breakthrough idea in your field of study? You are encouraged to use the issue you chose for your AB assignment. (You are also encouraged to use the same sources from the AB if you feel you found enough information on the topic. You decide if the sources you found are what you need for this paper, if so, use them; if not locate new or additional sources)
This paper will be written in essay form, no section headings this time, but it should follow the recommended order listed below:
• Introduction Paragraph –one paragraph that clearly states your research question (or issue) and describes why your topic is controversial–that is, why it is an issue in the field
• Body Paragraphs—multiple paragraphs where you present your research from sources. Papers can be informative or persuasive (refer to class notes on these terms). Paraphrase sources and use in-text citations. Use direct quotes sparingly and for emphasis (also include in-text citations). You may include your own analysis and/or opinions, but the majority of the content should be research-based. Though not required, you may want to include graphs, charts, images, etc. within your paper as well. (If including an image, give an explanation or caption; don’t just throw it in. Also, should the image cover over half a page, it will not count as part of your required page length.)
• Conclusion Paragraph(s)—one or two paragraphs in which you summarize your paper and/or offer your opinion, recommendation, or prediction on the topic
• Works Cited or Reference page listing 5-8 sources alphabetically.
o At least 3 of these must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.
o You may not use unsigned web sources unless you specifically have your instructor’s approval for them.
o Use variety of sources. You should not have multiple sources by the same author or multiple sources published by the same magazine or journal.
Use Times New Roman, size 12 font, double space throughout, and indent paragraphs. This paper should be at least 3.5 pages but no more than 6 pages. The Works Cited or References page does not count as one of these pages, but you must include it. To document your paper, use the format typically used in your chosen field. Include in-text citations for all borrowed material and include a Works Cited page (if using MLA) or References page (if using APA). Remember if using APA format, you must have a title/cover page. If using MLA format, you must have an identification header in top left corner. BOTH formats use a header with page numbers at top right corner.