Explain the evidence that suggests that a supermassive black hole exists at the
Explain the evidence that suggests that a supermassive black hole exists at the center of our galaxy.
(Video is attached)
Develop a set of five (5) Teaching Questions on Supermassive Black Holes, numbering them and writing each on its own line. Write out the questions themselves and your answers in your own words. Each question should have answers at least three (3) full sentences long. In addition, for each question, add the time where you found the information in the video, for example: Video 10:53 to 12:17 minutes.
In order to receive full credit, the time must be included and your TQs must be detailed. Be sure that I can tell you have fully studied SMBH when I read your TQs. (I will not be grading your grammar or spelling but please try to be clear.)
These questions should have answers at least 3 sentences long. For example: “How would quintessence remove the need to fine-tune the cosmological constant at the beginning of the Universe?” (Answer: Quintessence was one possible form of Dark Energy. Unlike Dark Energy in the form of the cosmological constant, which is constant, quintessence has an energy density that can vary in time and space. The cosmological constant must not have been too strong ever in the history of the Universe in order for galaxies to have formed. But many quintessence models naturally don’t become strong until matter and radiation density are equal, therefore always allowing galaxy formation. Quintessence has been ruled out. Video 23:47 to 26:15 min.)
In your own words: Complete five questions based on the video with answers of at least three full sentences for 20 points each, Include the time you found the information for each question. without the time, zero points are assigned for the question.