Final Country Project: Comparative and International Family Research Paper In th

Final Country Project: Comparative and International Family Research Paper
In th

Final Country Project: Comparative and International Family Research Paper
In this final paper, you will bring together the information from your Country Factors Assignments to create an inclusive summary of each of the 9 factors you compared in these previous assignments could impact human development, social interaction, and family dynamics from a global and international perspective. You will also reflect on why this is notable in our world today and in the future. How do our similarities and differences serve to create greater challenges and/or offer opportunities for global understanding and collaboration?
Review your research and reflections from each of your Country Factors assignments. Be sure to review instructor feedback as well to make sure you answered questions sufficiently and adapt your research as needed.
Write an introduction to your paper that introduces your approach to comparing the U.S. and your country of choice, a basic overview of the factors used, and why YOU feel this is important to do in the context of global understanding.
In the first part of the body of your paper, you should have a section called Factor Summary. In this section you should summarize your findings. This summary of your comparisons between the U.S. and your country should be limited to 3-6 paragraphs (1-1.5 pages).These paragraphs should not be a repeat of your Factor assignments; they should be a summary of what you have come to understand from the comparison of each set of factors.
Your summaries should include information supported by research. To clarify where you found your information, you will cite your resource in the text and in a final reference page according to APA guidelines. Please ask if you are unsure of what to do, but look at the guidelines first. You can also visit the WMU Writing Center for help.Example of in-text citationIn an article about family ecology (Bronfenbrenner, 1986), …
Bronfenbrenner (1986) explained in an article that family ecology is …
Example of a References page itemBronfenbrenner, U. (1986). Ecology of the family as a context for human development: Research perspectives. Developmental Psychology, 22, 723-742.
In the second part of the body of your paper, you should have a section called Reflection on Global Awareness. In this section you should discuss your perceptions of the ways each of the differences and similarities discussed in your summary might affect our ability as global citizens to understand each other and work together to solve global issues when our problems or perspectives of problems might be very different. It may be helpful to review your previous reflections from the discussion and factor assignments in this course as well as the discussions in the text. Your reflection should not be based on your values, beliefs, or political perspective. It should be informed by your understanding of the course materials or peer-reviewed, academic research.To demonstrate support for your reflection, you must cite course or other materials used to inform your reflection, both in the text and in a final reference page. Follow APA guidelines for citation. Please ask if you are unsure of what to do, but look at the guidelines first. You can also visit the WMU Writing Center for help.
If you need help thinking things through, consider using a GenerativeAI tool to explore how awareness of cultural, social, and economic similarities and differences can impact global understanding and collaboration. You will need to discuss this generally and in specific to the factors of your country of choice and the U.S

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