Focus on one event, or one person, or group of people, or a particular text (or
Focus on one event, or one person, or group of people, or a particular text (or portion of a text). You can discuss issues such as monotheism or henotheism in Early Israelites
A research paper, rather than just reviewing or summarizing information, should present some question, thesis, or focus that your paper will be exploring. This question or thesis should be clearly stated in your introductory paragraph. Then the paper itself will build up your argument, presenting evidence and examining information. Your conclusion should in some way bring together the various strands of your argument or analysis, highlighting your personal conclusion or perspective on your subject matter based on the evidence that your paper presented. So, the paper should have a clear introduction, a body of evidence, and a conclusion.
The paper should be about 5 (full) pages in length, but they may be longer if you wish. They should be double-spaced, in 12-point font time New Roman. Obviously, a 5-page paper cannot be a comprehensive
study but look for a limited issue that you can develop as fully as possible within the constraints of a short paper. Please provide source references with applicable page numbers, whether in footnotes or in parentheses ( MLA format; check the internet for instructions if you are not familiar with these). It is good to have at least four sources for your references, from academic literature or original source material. Use at least two of the sources that I have provided Any bibliography or endnotes (if you include these) do not count towards the total length of the paper. References to, and quotes from, other sources should be clearly indicated and referenced. If not, this can lead to a plagiarism issue.