For this assignment, you will download the Descriptive Statistics_Population and

For this assignment, you will download the Descriptive Statistics_Population and

For this assignment, you will download the Descriptive Statistics_Population and perform the necessary calculations to answer the questions. The data is on one sheet, the questions on the next sheet and you will typed your answers on the third sheet which is formatted.
Use the Descriptive Statistics_Population to perform the analyses required to answer the following questions:Which state was ranked 25th in population in 1993?
Which state had the largest percentage increase in population from 1990 to 1999?
Which states had populations of more than 1 million and less than 2 million in 1995?
Create a histogram of the population by state for 1999 and interpret it.
Calculate the mean and median by state from 1990 to 1999.
Compare and interpret the mean, median, and mode for Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota? What can we learn from this information? Why is it important?
Calculate the annual percentage population growth for Illinois, Indiana Iowa, and create a line chart that compares the growth trends in these states.
Interpret the meaning of the line chart created in #7.
Which state had the largest standard deviation?
Which state had the lowest standard deviation?

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