For this project, you will need to select a particular policy issue to explore.

For this project, you will need to select a particular policy issue to explore.

For this project, you will need to select a particular policy issue to explore. The United States is made up of a variety of diverse communities and cultures. Societal and political issues affect these groups differently which needs to be addressed by our legislature. In this assignment, you will choose a current political issue that impacts communities in the United States.
Current Event Article: Students need to pick a current issue facing communities in the United States that needs to be addressed by our national government. Students must provide a working link to your article in the document that you upload to Canvas. Just copy/paste the link to the top of your document. If the link does not work, you will not receive any points for your article, so please double-check it! Your news article must
be relevant to the national politics in the U.S.
be current, so it should be dated sometime within the LAST SIX (6) MONTHS
be from a newspaper, magazine, or another reputable news outlet (i.e. New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Dallas Morning News)
Communities could be many different things (i.e. racial, economic, religious, regional)
Analysis: Students need to explore the interest group space around the current event policy you’ve chosen. This may be done as a simple essay, or you are welcome to format it as a letter to an elected representative. If you format it as a letter, address it to your correct US Representative or US Senator. Students must put their CWID number on the assignment in addition to your name.
Define, in-depth, an issue within a particular community or culture to explain (to your member of Congress, if writing it as a letter). (Note: A community or culture is defined as any group of people with similar backgrounds and interests) (Understanding Communities and Cultures, Recognizing Principles)
Compare and contrast how your selected issue affects two different communities and/or cultures (i.e., low-income v. high-income, rural v. urban communities, or younger generations v. older generations). (Understanding Communities and Cultures, Recognizing principles)
Describe how social elements (i.e., history, religious beliefs, politics, communication style, economics, etc.) affect the position of the communities and/or cultures that you’re examining. (Social Principles)
Explain how action on this issue taken by the member of Congress you are writing to can positively or negatively impact a particular community and/or culture. (Social Engagement)
There is no minimum or maximum page or word requirement. You will need to assess whether you’ve adequately covered the material sufficiently to prove you have a good understanding of it, and research into your different interest groups enough to make a strong case for each community’s interests. I suspect that a good discussion will take a couple of pages of actual text and explanation, at least. Works Cited — to the extent that you use outside info (and you absolutely will need to!), do provide a citation list. That can be attached as a works cited page, or incorporated as footnotes/endnotes. Citation format is your choice, use what you are most comfortable with.

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