For this project, you’ll be writing a paragraph or two on each party and then at
For this project, you’ll be writing a paragraph or two on each party and then at least one paragraph comparing all four parties. Read these instructions carefully before starting and make reference to the parties’ websites. Answer all of my questions — your projects are worth 50 points, so put some energy into this!
The two major political parties in the United States — the Democrats and the Republicans — have been around for over 150 years. We think of these two as the major parties because almost all elections in the United States are won by either Democratic or Republican candidates! But many other parties also field candidates in elections.
For this project you will explore the party platforms (a document that clearly states what a party stands for) to learn about the views held by the two major parties, plus the Libertarian and Green parties (two lesser known parties that regularly field candidates). Every political party creates, and regularly updates a platform, or their set of principles. You can learn a lot about a political party just by analyzing their platform.
First, take a look at the party platforms for these parties. Click on the links and you’ll go straight to the platform:
Democratic Links to an external site.
Republican Links to an external site.
Libertarian Links to an external site.
Green Links to an external site.
Then, based on their platforms, pick at least three of the issues below and write a paragraph or two explaining each party’s position on them:
LGBTQ Rights
National defense
Gun ownership and gun control
The environment
Finally, write one or more paragraphs comparing and contrasting the views of the four parties. Tell me which of the parties seems more liberal to you? Which is the most conservative? (Don’t be fooled: Libertarians are considered to be close to economic conservatives, but their views on the legalization of drugs and sexual freedom might surprise you!)
You’ll find a lot of overlap with the views of these groups, but that’s what politics in the U.S. is all about! We have lots of different ideas about specific issues, but pretty much agree on the basics of our political culture.