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Ariel Bosworth posted Aug 23, 2024 11:46 AM
In a paragraph (5-6 complete sentences), please answer the following question:
- How would you define the concept of “freedom” in the United States?
- Does it apply to everyone equally? Why or why not?
- Does this definition change depending on your position in life (class, race, sex, etc.)? Why or why not?
- Is this definition the same for everyone? Why or why not?
- Please reply to the following post by listing your name and responding to one of the following questions below:
What was your first job? |
What’s your favorite season and why? |
What’s your favorite food/drink? |
If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you? |
What’s your biggest guilty pleasure? |
What do your surroundings look like? |
What’s your favorite place to go on vacation? |
What’s your favorite movie or book? |
What’s your favorite smell? |
What music do you like? |
If you were an ice cream, what flavor would you be? |
When I dance I look like ___ [fill in the blank]. |
Do you have any pets? |
What have you achieved this week that you feel proud of? |
What was the last movie you watched that made you cry? |
What’s the story behind your name? |
What’s your favorite sport to play/watch? |
Take a picture from your window and have people guess where you are. |
Did you have any imaginary friends when you were young? |
What’s the weather like where you are? |
What’s your favorite color? |
Show something that’s on your desk and tell a story about it? |
What’s your biggest “pet peeve”? |
What new thing have you learned this week? |