General Engagement: Can Robots Solve Aged Care Crisis?
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General Engagement: Can Robots Solve Aged Care Crisis?
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Can robots solve our aged care crisis?
Objective: To apply concepts learned in theory to real life situations. Build critical analysis and application and review material while forming connection.
Please recall the categories of elderly abuse. This is especially important for social workders since we are mandated to report certain types of elder abuse to Adult Protective ServicesLinks to an external site..
Types of Abuse
Inherent in the description of older adult abuse are seven categories of maltreatment (Gisby & Butler, 2012, pp. 210–211). These include the following:
Physical abuse
This includes hitting, pinching, slapping, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions.” A practitioner should look for vague, inadequate, or illogical explanations concerning problems. A physical problem or injury may be identified. The explanation provided may not be good enough. It’s then important to find out what really caused this problem or injury?
Sexual abuse
This includes hitting, pinching, slapping, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions. “It may include being forced to watch pornography or talked to or touched in a sexual way. Indicators might include social withdrawal, or the abused person using explicit or untypical sexual language or behavior. There may be physical evidence, e.g. torn, stained or bloody clothing, trauma to the rectum or genitals, or presence of unexplained sexually transmitted” infections.
Psychological or emotional abuse
This includes threats of harm or abandonment, intimidation, coercion, verbal abuse, [or] isolation/withdrawal from services or support networks.” Psychological abuse often occurs in conjunction with other types of abuse. The older adult being victimized may become “emotionally withdrawn” or “depressed” as a result of other forms of abuse.
Neglect and acts of omission
This may include ignoring medical or physical care needs and failure to provide access to appropriate services.” Examples may involve deprivation of medication, food, heating, air conditioning, or medical treatment. Neglect or acts of omission may be purposeful or unintended. Aging makes people more vulnerable to health issues and deprivations. Older adults require the provision of adequate care.
Financial abuse
This can be complex and diverse in nature; it is often perpetrated by individuals considered trustworthy by virtue of position, for example [,] family or [caregivers].… Financial abuse includes theft, fraud, [financial] exploitation, undue pressure over wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions; or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.” Older adults, especially those suffering from dementia, can be manipulated or deceived regarding what is in their best financial interest.
Discriminatory abuse
This includes forms of harassment, slurs, inappropriate language or threats focused on the victim’s sex, race, age, religion, sexuality or disability and leads to individuals receiving unequal treatment in, or being excluded from, opportunities such as health care, justice and protections from others.” As mobility becomes more difficult, contacts with others in support networks become harder to maintain, and health issues accelerate, it becomes easier to be victimized by deprivation or unequal treatment.
Institutional abuse
Older adults who reside in caregiving facilities (including nursing homes and medical settings such as hospitals) may not receive adequate and effective care. Adherence to institutional rules, regulations, and requirements may take precedence over resident or patient care. Older adults may not receive the individualized, responsive care they need. Food may be inadequate. Toileting needs may not be addressed properly. Individual health needs or cleanliness may be ignored.
Watch video below.
Choose two categories of the seven listed above. Describe if the use of AI (artificial intelligence)/ robots aids or harms services provided by social workers. Would the use of robots, as you saw in the video, prevent any category of abuse? Why or why not? Define concepts used in your own words and apply to the video watched below.
30 points total (At least 300 words for full credit).
Watch Video above- Captions are on the right hand corner click on
Approx. Run-time: 2:11 min
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