Goal: To reflect on similarities and differences between Genesis and Epic of Atr
Goal: To reflect on similarities and differences between Genesis and Epic of Atra-Khasis and how this helps to interpret Genesis 6-10.
Instructions: Read Epic of Atra-Khasis in Readings from the Ancient Near East and then write up to a two-page reflection. (APA formatting REQUIRED. NOTE: Running head no longer required for APA, Abstract not needed for papers of this length). Cover page and References page do not count toward page requirements, but are absolutely REQUIRED. Remember to Double-space, I″ margins, 12-point Times New Roman font)
1. Compare Genesis 6-10 and ″Epic of Atra-Khasis″ for similarities and differences
a. Compare why people exist in Genesis and the Epic of Atra-Khasis (some reflection back to Genesis 2-3 will be required. Pay particular attention to the reasons why God/gods involved take catastrophic action, and what the intended fallout was.
b. Compare God/gods in both texts in terms of their characters/traits/attributes.
Compare the relationship between God/gods and humans. Compare the status of humans in the two texts.
c. Take note of the divine assembly (the groups of supernatural beings). How are they different in the two stories?
2. Given the likely fact that the Epic of Atra-Khasis was physically written before Genesis 6-10, explain why an extra-biblical text like ″Epic of Atra-Khasis″ can help us better understand the biblical text. Most scholars see Genesis 1, in part, written to respond to the claims made in the Epic of Atra-Khasis. If this is so, how do you see Genesis I pushing back against claims made In the Epic of Atra-Khasis? This is a good place to think about the literary/conceptual Similarities between the two accounts as well as possibility of polemics, where the Genesis Account seeks to address issues raised in other creation accounts.