hello and thank you to whoever does this paper,
I have attached the outline that
hello and thank you to whoever does this paper,
I have attached the outline that has already been done this is just the next step.
Spreadsheet Functions Part 1
Access the file you posted in the last module and Save As the same file name but add ‘Part 2’ to the end of the file name.
Use at least two different functions (e.g. SUM, MAX, AVERAGE, MIN, COUNT, etc.) to summarize each data set created in the last module.
Use cell ranges with these and do not use the same functions on both sheets.
Use yellow cell highlighting to signify the location of the functions.
Ensure any decimals depict meaningful values. i.e., are limited to one or perhaps two decimal places. To illustrate, noting the average temperature was 71.23456 degrees is not meaningful to most people. Write this as 71 degrees or perhaps 71.2 degrees.
Next, create an IF statement that evaluates at least one cell on each sheet.
For example, you might create a function to evaluate the results of the SUM function. It might read something like: IF the cell > 100 then ‘True’ else ‘False’. Or perhaps you might compare scores in a game to have the text ‘Win’ or ‘Loss’ appear based on the cell values evaluated.
Be sure to add a label next to the cell that contains the IF statement.
Feel free to be creative but be sure to use cell references here.
As needed, reference the tutorials and the help areas within Excel. Knowing how to access Help is an important skill.
Spreadsheet Functions Part 2
On a new sheet of the same file, create a worksheet that contains data and a calculation determining monthly payments for a proposed purchase. Include the following:
Identify your dream vehicle (plane, automobile, boat, etc.) and estimate its cost and the annual interest rate if you financed its purchase.
Enter text labels in Column A for Loan Amount, Interest Rate (APR), Term in Years, Payment, etc., onto the spreadsheet.
Enter the numbers for each item in Column B, except the monthly payment of the course. We’ll use a function to determine this.
Apply appropriate number formatting (currency, percentage) where appropriate.
To calculate the monthly payments, use the PMT function with cell references. Ensure you are converting the term and interest per the tutorial. Do so within the function.
Utilize cell references with all functions and formulas.
Apply text and number formatting.
Save your workbook in .xlsx format. Use a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or descriiption). Do not add punctuation or special characters.